Boson Comics and Waverly Films
Posted in comics, humor, video on 05/05/2019 12:23 pm by c5Years ago, I came across an unassuming but clever comic strip on the Web called “Boson” by an artist named Christopher Ford. Each strip was a stick drawing, and most were on lined paper.
The site featuring the comics,, disappeared around 2008 as the artist went on to do other things. That site can now be found only at, but these are some sample strips:

Ford later created a Web comic called “The Lonely Infermo” and published two physical books titled “Stickman Odyssey.” (I was not aware of these books until writing this and am curious to see what they are like.)
I don’t remember whether it was before or after I came across the comic strip that I also discovered “Waverly Films.” Ford and others created a series of short comedy videos.
A few examples:
Warning: This one includes brief strong language (but is probably my favorite):