Boson Comics and Waverly Films
Posted in comics, humor, video on 05/05/2019 12:23 pm by c5Years ago, I came across an unassuming but clever comic strip on the Web called “Boson” by an artist named Christopher Ford. Each strip was a stick drawing, and most were on lined paper.
The site featuring the comics,, disappeared around 2008 as the artist went on to do other things. That site can now be found only at, but these are some sample strips:

Ford later created a Web comic called “The Lonely Infermo” and published two physical books titled “Stickman Odyssey.” (I was not aware of these books until writing this and am curious to see what they are like.)
I don’t remember whether it was before or after I came across the comic strip that I also discovered “Waverly Films.” Ford and others created a series of short comedy videos.
A few examples:
Warning: This one includes brief strong language (but is probably my favorite):
Thankyou for the comics. That site seems to have a similar art-style to your own. I’m slowly starting to try and get some characters of my own appearing in unexpected places:
I’m not so sure about the videos however. That last one is especially phony. is slowly becoming a pillar of my life. I’ve lost a lot of things over the years to the internet dark ages, only a small fraction of which has been lucky enough to get indexed. I used to make maps and mods for video games, now both these and the tutorial sites I followed are long gone.
Completely unrelated note: years ago I found a picture of a potato carved into a couch with the words “I love spuds” written on it. I think it was from your site, but I can’t find it again. It’s been sitting on the front page of a personal wiki ever since. Was it you?
… not all of Ford’s comics were archived. :(
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m familiar with the potato image you’ve described.
I haven’t tried pulling up all of Ford’s archived comics, but it might help to jump between different archive dates to fill in the gaps.
This potato, that potato, my potato, more:
Yes, I had to jump around a bit. Thankyou.
Oh, you’re right that the potato drawing is one from my site. It’s an old drawing by a friend. Looks like you were able to find it, but the permanent copy is here:×425/pud/index.html
(Click “Potato More.”)
Of all the former Game Maker Alumni, you are the most interesting. I’m happy to see you are still active.
Question, I am currently making a game and am wondering if your Seiklus character could cameo in it as an easter egg?
Reply via email if interested!
I played and enjoyed Seiklus game back in 2003/2004.
I just want to say I’m happy that you’re still around and hopefully well.
PS: After all those years, I just realized your logo is a fish. I thought it was a weird Pacman. :)