Seiklus Released 2003.08.15
This was my first Game Maker project, and it took me about six months to create. You can read about it and download it
on this page.
I'm currently updating this game for modern computers. I expect to be done with that version in 2021.
Johnny's Odyssey Released 2004.03.16
Johnny's Odyssey is a fan game based on the Johnny games by
Sparlatacus. I spent only a few days on this game.
"I wouldn't be smiling if I had to go on such an adventure."
-- Crane Games at 3.4 MB
Johnny's Nightmare Released 2006.02.04
This is another Johnny fan game. I spent about twice as long on it. I'm not sure why I made two of these--I normally dislike using other people's characters. 5.0 MB
Johnny's ??? Released ????.??.??
There might be one more of these in the works.
Works in Progress
Velella Unreleased
This is a joint project with
darthlupi. It's a platform game that tries to capture the feeling of flying in dreams and also has exploration, puzzle, and action elements.
We sometimes neglect this project for extended periods of time, but we'll finish it eventually. Here's a very short demo: 1.6 MB.
Avaus Unreleased
In this game, you pilot a ship on a rescue mission in a dream world. This is a pretty large project that I hope to finish one day.
"I booted up the game and looked at it. It was deeply depressing. 'Think of the game as an old car you’re fixing up in your spare time,' Tomi suggested, urging me to resume work on it. This old car has an engine block that’s rusted solid. I can’t even think about how much work lies ahead."
- a 1987 journal entry by Jordan Mechner (referring to Prince of Persia)
Overscan Unreleased
A joint project with
Jph Wacheski for the "demakes" competition. We didn't get this to the state we wanted it for the contest, and it's not even a proper demo, but maybe we'll finish it up eventually. 1.1 MB.