How to do Rox level 57 - "Omega" -a detailed guide by Damian Sawyer Go down to the bottom, then right until you collect a unid. Go up, collecting the explosive on the way, until you are directly beneath a rock. Run down to the bottom, then right as far as the wall. Go up to collect a unid, then left to collect the one between the rocks. Go right to the wall again, then up to the 2 unids under lots of rocks. Use the space bar to collect the unid on your left. Run down 2 spaces, then left to collect the lower of the 2 unids. Go up to collect the other unid, then left, down to the bottom and left again. Now go to the far left wall, and go up, eating away the matter beneath the column of rocks. Run down, then right two squares. You can now go up until you are level with the bottom unid on the left. Go left one square and use the space bar to eat away the 4 unids. Now go up to the top right of the room. Place the explosive in the middle one of the 3 top-right corners. Get out of range so you're not blown up! Go through the gap, and all the way along the corridor, and you will pick up a freeze powerup. Go straight back, and into the room with the spiders around the inner square, These are now frozen, so you can go in and collect the unids and the explosive, but be quick, or the spiders will start moving again! Place the explosive in the bottom-right corner of the room. Run right along the bottom wall, through the gap, under the column of rocks, until you're next to the armoured unid. Go up one square, then all the way along to the right wall. Use up and space to eat away the matter above you, then left to avoid the falling unid. Use space and right to collect 2 unids, then go right to collect the third. Use down and space to pick up the unid below you. Use the same procedure to collect the next column of unids and eat the bit of matter below them. You should end up on the square above the right-hand armoured unid. Eat away the bit of matter above you and run left. Go up and eat the 2 squares of matter above the left-hand armoured unid, then back down 2 squares, and right to avoid the falling rock. Go down one square, and use space and left and right to collect the 2 unids. Now go straight up, then left, collect the explosive and leave the room through the 'up' arrow. Go left, and set your explosive anywhere under the explodable wall. Go through the gap you've made. Push up the only pushable rock that has a space behind it. When you've pushed it as far as you can, push the rock on your left so it's next to the bomb. Go up, and push the pushable rock next to the normal rock. Now run down, right through the gap in the pushable rocks, down and right again, to escape the explosions. This is very important, as if you stay near the top when the rock falls, one of the bombs drops out of place, so the chain reaction doesn't work. Wait for the explosions to finish, then go and get the two lots of unids to the right - one or more unids will probably have been trapped underneath rocks, but towards the far right there is now a hole in the wall. Go down through this and left. Collect the unid(s), but be careful not to block your way out. If you have 3 unids to collect, pick up the right-hand 2, then use space and left to collect the third. You can now push the rock that falls down to the left, leaving the way clear for you to escape. Go to the exit and be glad all that's over!