Last updated: 28 Aug 96

Paragon/+ANoMALY+ (
MOD Frequently Asked Questions


   A MOD(ule) (and other related formats such as S3M, XM, etc.) is a file 
format that allows storage of CD-quality music on a computer (songs take up 
about 10-400K on average). Although this is much more than a MIDI or other 
related formats (ROL, CMF, etc.) it is MUCH more realistic because it lets the 
user have life-like SAMPLED instruments (sample is a sound; and actual 
waveform, from, for example, a microphone or other audio source) WITHOUT the 
bulky and outrageously expensive MIDI samplers (which a good setup would cost 
tens of thousands of dollars). All that is required is a computer, a DAC, and 
some sort of speakers.

Glossary of mod-related terms

669 - an 8-track format, created by the program Composer 669.
AMF - the internal format of DMP, a popular modplayer.
channel - may refer to either the left and right channels of stereo, or
      it may refer to a TRACK.
DAC - Digital to Analog converter, a processor that allows playback of
      sampled audio (standard on the Sound Blaster, Gravis, and Pro Audio
      lines of sound cards and their clones)
FAR - a 16-track format, created by the Farandole Composer.
LIQ - an up to 64-track format, created by Liquid Tracker.
MIDI-type format - similar to mods in a few respects, MIDI files take up 
      significantly less space than MODs, but, they aren't nearly as 
      realistic with standard equipment (i.e. a simple FM synthesizer).
MOD - a 4-track format, with many different supporting programs. By far the
      most supported format. Also can be used to indicate any MOD-like
      format. The MOD format originated on the Commodore Amiga.
module - a general term for MOD-type music; also the root for the term MOD.
MTM - a 1 to 32 track format, created by Multitracker Module Editor.
NST - a 4-track format, Noisetracker, an old Amiga format.
OKT - Oktalyzer, an 8-track format.
order - the order in which patterns are played.
pattern - the basic mod unit, describes a part of the song, or it could
      represent a bar from sheet music; each pattern is assigned a number
row - patterns are subdivided into 64 rows (00 to 3F hex), or notes
STM - a 4-track format, created by Screamtracker 2.xx
S3M - an up to 32 track format, created by Screamtracker 3.xx.
sample - a digitized waveform, as opposed to a synthesized waveform.
sound - see SAMPLE
track - or voice, tells how many instruments can play at one time.
voice - see TRACK
XM - an up to 32 track format (in multiples of two, i.e. 2,4,6,8,10,..,32
      tracks) created by Fasttracker 2

The formats

Ext Name-of-format    Tracks    Samples    Created-by
??? StarTrekker Mod   4,8       ?          ?
??? TakeTracker Mod   4,6,8,10  ?          ?
                      or 32
669 ?                 8         ?          Composer 669
AMF DSMI Int. Format  up to 32  ?          MOD2AMF (included with DMP)
FAR Farandole Module  16        ?          Farandole Composer
INR ?                 ?         ?          Inertia Tracker
LIQ Liquid Module     up to 64  up to 64   Liquid Tracker
MOD Amiga Module      4         15 or 31   many different programs
MOD Extended Module   6,8       31         Fasttracker 1.xx
MTM Multitracker Mod  up to 32  31         Multitracker Module Editor
NST Noisetracker Mod  4         ?          Tetra Compositor, Amiga
OKT Oktalyzer Module  8         ?          ?
PSM ProTracker Stdio  ?         ?          ProTracker Studio 16
STM Screamtracker     4         ?          Screamtracker 2.xx
S3M Screamtracker 3   up to 32  up to 100  Screamtracker 3.xx
ULT UltraTracker Mod  ?         ?          UltraTracker
WOW ?                 8         ?          Mod's Grave Composer
XM  Extended Module   up to 32  up to 128  Fasttracker 2.xx
                      x's of 2

Please do not hesitate to contact me concerning errors and new information.
