These are people I haven't yet been able to track down. I've tried contacting some of them with what I think is a valid address, and some might be planning to respond but just haven't done so yet. Anthony Testa / Blue Magus Barjesse Chris Jong Chris Kohler Crankgod Darkmage Draco Flicker Hydra Jacob Hammond Jeff Conroy (Fejj) Kev Vance Master Raze Matt Williams Mono Sonic256 Todd Daggert Tseng Viovis WiL This is by no means a complete list of people I'd like to include. I'll continue adding to it. Feel free to make suggestions, and if you are in contact with any of these people or with someone else who should be on this list, please let me know (or have them contact me at clysm* I've removed a few people who confirmed that they plan to respond or decided that they don't want to be included.